Beef in Thailand is usually not very tender. We will use a nice matured beef tenderloin that will change cooking time and preparation mode a bit.
Thai beef salad
We will marinate the beef slices in lime juice until “cooked” medium-rare. Then season with green Thai curry paste, lemon gras, coriander, etc. Some red bell pepper will be also in.
Beef panaeng | spring rolls
Beef panaeng is a classic beef curry with the rich taste of roasted peanuts. We will season with red Thai curry paste and getting some sweetness from coconut cream and palm sugar.
As a side dish we will prepare some spicy vegetable spring rolls.
Mango parfait | sticky coconut-pineapple rice
Comes as a classic parfait with fresh mango puree. The rice will be simmered in pineapple puree and is seasoned with coconut cream.
